BIAYE Mamadi
 Professeur Titulaire des Univeristés en Physiques Atomique, Doyen de la Faculte des Sciences et Technologies de l'Education et de la Formation (FASTEF)
Cite Ndeye Marie Villa 123 B Grand - Mbao- Dakar
Téléphone: (Dom.) : 33 836 -32-31
(Port.) : 77 323 74 50
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Activités d'Enseignement et de recherches du Professeur Mamadi Biaye
THESES du Professeur Biaye
- Thése de doctorat 3ème cycle
Titre: Etude de la dynamique des corrélations électroniques dans les états (nl)2 (n ≤ 4 et l ≤ 3) de l'hélium et des ions héliumoïdes Li+, Be2+,
B3+, C4+, N5+, O6+, F7+, Ne8+, Na9+, Mg10+
Domaine :Physique atomique
Lieu: Université
Cheikh Anta
Diop de Dakar
- Thése de doctorat d'Etat
Titre:Nouvelle description des états singulets doublement excités (nl)2 et nlnl' avec n ≤ 4
de l'hélium et des ions héliumoïdes de charge nucléaire Z ≤ 12.
Domaine :Physique atomique
Lieu: Université
Cheikh Anta
Diop de Dakar
Publications scientifiques
Diode Laser Absorption Saturation and Wavelength Modulation Spectroscopy in Rubidium (Rb87 and Rb85)
A. Konté, A. Wagué, A. S. Ndao, N. A. B. Faye, S. Diop and M. Biaye
In:journal de la Faculté des Sciences Dakar, Vol 2, N°2, 1998
Energies and Electron Correlation Effects in Two-Electon Doubly Excited (nl)2 States
M. Biaye, A. Konté, N. A. B. Faye and A. Wagué
In:The Eur. Phys. J. D 13, 21 - 25 (2001)
The singlet doubly excited (nl)2 states of helium-like systems
M. Biaye, A. Konté, A. S. Ndao, N. A. B. Faye and A. Wagué
In:Phys. Scr. Vol 71, 39-42,2005
- Calculations of doubly excited
1P0, 1De,
1F0, 1Ge, 1H0 intrashell states of helium sequence using special forms of Hylleraas- type wave functions
M. Biaye, A. Konté, A. S. Ndao and A. Wagué.
Phys. Scr. Vol 72, 373-376,2005
Photoionization energies and oscillator strengths of helium and helium- like ions with Z = 6-8.
N A. B. Faye, A. S. Nado, A. Konté, M. Biaye and A. Wagué.
Phys. Scr. Vol 71,602-610,2005
- Analysis of chlorophyll fluorescence spectra in some tropical plants
A.S. Ndao, A. Konté, M. Biaye, M. E. Faye, N. A. B. Faye and A. Wagué.
In:Journal of fluorescence, Vol 15, 123-129,2005
Contribution à l'étude de la place des schémas dans la structure des épreuves des sciences physiques au baccalauréat sénégalais des séries S1, S2 et S3 de 1989 à 2003
Mamadi Biaye.
In:LIENS - Nouvelle Série N°8, 75 -80, 2005
- Calculation of the ground-state energy, the first ionization energy and the
radial correlation expectation value for He -like atoms
I.Sakho, A. S. Ndao, M. Biaye and A. Wagué.
In:Phys. Scr. 74, 180 - 186, 2006
Energies and interelectronic angle in doubly excited 1Se states of helium-like ions below the N=2,3 and 4 hydrogenic threshold
A.Konté, A. S. Ndao, M. Biaye and A. Wagué.
In:Phys. Scr. 74, 605 - 613, 2006
- Energy levels in the resonant photoionization of helium like Ne8+
N A. B. Faye, A. S. Nado, A. Konté, M. Biaye and A. Wagué.
In:Phys. Rev. A. 75, 042713, 2007
- Screening constant by unit nuclear charge calculations for (ns2
1Se, (np2)1 De and (Nsnp)1P0 excited states of He -like systems
I.Sakho, A. S. Ndao, M. Biaye and A. Wagué
In:Eur. Phys. J.D. 47, 37 - 44, 2008
- Investigation of 2snp ±1,3P0 resonances of two - electron systems using the screening constant by unit nuclear charge method
I.Sakho, A. Konté, A.S. Ndao, M. Biaye and A. Wagué
In:Phys. Scr. 77, 98-102, 2008
- The doubly excited states description of the negative hydrogen ion using special forms of Hylleraas type wave functions
M. Biaye, M. Dieng , I. Sakho , A. Konté , A.S. Ndao , and A. Wagué
In:Chin. J. Phys. 47, 166-172, 2009
- The intra-sell singlet and triplet doubly excited states energies calculations of helium _ like using special forms of Hylleraas type wave functions
M. Dieng, I. Sakho, M. Biaye and A. Wagué
In:Chin. J. Phys. 48, 38 - 48, 2010
Calculations of (nl)2 and (3lnl') autoionizing states in two-electron systems .
I. Sakho, A. Konté, A. S. Ndao, M. Biaye and A. Wagué
Phys. Scr. 82, (2010)
The 1,3Se Intersell Autoionizing states of Helium-like Ions Below the N=2-9 Hydrogenic Thresholds
M. Dieng, A Wagué, I. Sakho and M. Biaye
In:Adv. Studies Theor. Phys., Vol. 6, 2012, n0 27, 1345 - 1354
Screening-constant-by-unit-nuclear-charge calculations of high lying (2pns) 1,3Po and (2pnd) 1,3Po states of B+ ion;
I. Sakho, B. Diop, M. Faye, A. Sène, M. Guèye, A. S. Ndao, M. Biaye, A. Wagué
In:Atomic data and nuclear data table, Vol 99, Issue 4, July 2013, 447 - 458
Calculations of high lying energy resonances in the photoionization spectra of Ne+ using the screening constant by unit nuclear charge method
M. Faye, B. Diop, M. Guèye, M. Dieng, I. Sakho, A. S. Ndao, M. Biaye, A. Wagué
In:Radiation Physics and chemistry, vol 85, 2013, 1 - 7
Screening constant by unit nuclear charge calculations of energy position and widths of the 3pns 1,3P, 3pnd 1,3P and 3pnd 3D Rydberg series of Mg
M. Diop, M. Faye, M. Sow, M. Dieng, M. Guèye, I. Sakho, M. Biaye, A. Wagué
In:Radiation Physics and chemistry, vol 86, 2013, 1 - 5
Energy resonances and widths of the (2pns) 1Po and (2pnd) 1Po Rydberg series of Be -like ions
I. Sakho, M. Tine, M. Dieng, M. Sow, M. Faye, B. Diop, M. Guèye, M. Biaye and A. Wagué
In:Phys. Script. Vol. 88, 2014 (035302)
Photoionization study of the F2+ ion via the screening constant by unit nuclear charge method.
M. Dieng, M. Tine, M. Sow, B. Diop, M. Guèye, M. Faye, I. Sakho, M. Biaye and A. Wagué
In:Radiation Physics and chemistry, vol 96, 2014, 38 - 43
Doubly excited resonance 1,3Po of helium below the N=2-9 ionisation threshold .
M. Dieng, I. Sakho, M. Biaye and A. Wagué
In:Radiation Physics and chemistry, vol 96, 2014, 19 - 26
Investigations of Rydberg series from photoionization processes of N3+, O4+ and Ar8+ ions
I. Sakho, M. Tine, M. Dieng, B. Diop, M. Faye, M. Sow, M. Guèye, M. Biaye and A. Wagué
In: Radiation Physics and chemistry, vol 101, 2014, 8 - 14
Calculations of resonances parameters for the (2s2) 1Se , (2s2p) 1,3Po and ((3s2) 1Se ,
(3s3p) 1,3Po) doubly excited stated of helium-like ions with Z ≤ 10 using a complex rotation method implemented in Scilab
Y. Gning, M. Sow, A. Traoré M. Dieng, B. Diakhaté, M. Biaye and A. Wagué
In: Radiation Physics and chemistry, vol 106, 2015, 1 - 6
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