Mathiam THIAM
Bachelor of Arts in Linguistics (Laval University, Canada)
Master of Arts in Applied Linguistics (Essex University, England)
TEFL Certificate (ELI, University of Delaware, USA)
Certificate in American Civilization (Temple University, USA)
Research areas: Reading, Writing, Testing and materials design
Current position: teacher trainer and Inspector General of National Education.
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Activités d'Enseignement et de recherches de Mathiam THIAM
Course Offerings
- Course offering in B2 section (MA level)
Issues in EFL: The course casts a critical look at current pedagogical practices and their theoretical underpinnings within an innovative perspective. The course explores the treatment of the following issues both in the literature and in the classroom:
- Information transfer
- Matching procedures
- Reading Comprehension Vs. Written Comprehension
- Linguistic Competence Vs. Communicative Competence
- True/False
- Task-based instruction
- Course offering in A1B1 section (BA level)
Reading in EFL: The course explores the current theories of reading and their pedagogical realization. It contrastively reviews the following reading models and subsequent reading procedures and techniques:
- I. Top-down model Vs. Bottom up
- Interactive models (interactive-activation, compensatory transactional)
- Pre reading: Instigating (brainstorming)
- While reading: Identification, Investigation, Interpretation
- Post reading: Integrating (information transfer)
- Course offering in C2 section (Undergraduate level)
The course gives a brief overview of reading phases and classroom procedures:
Pre reading: Instigating (brainstorming)
While reading: Identification, Investigation, Interpretation, Integration
Post reading: Integrating (information transfer)
- Communicative grammar (All sections)
Communicative Language Teaching has always sought legitimacy in its attempt to bridge the gap between linguistic competence and communicative incompetence. This course will explore the concepts, principles and procedures that engage the learner in interactive, discovery-oriented, task-based activities.
Landmark quotations and proposals in the literature will be presented and followed by classroom illustrations that show how purely manipulative language activities can be rehabilitated into natural language behavior closer to real life communication procedures.
English for Grammar Freaks (EGF)
Plaidoyer pour une cohérence systémique des missions et choix stratégiques de l’Education
Nationale en matière de formation des enseignants du secondaire.
Le Président, le Monument et les Autres!
In : Walfadjri, Mercredi 7 avril 2010
Université et professionnalisation
In : Walf, le 4 juillet 2006
In : le Soleil, 3 janvier 2002
Essay on the Monument, Art and Religion
Les enseignants , des irréprochables?
Il a raison...
Parution du premier livre de Monsieur
Mathiam THIAM, Formateur au Département d'Anglais de la FASTEF

Parution du second livre de Monsieur
Mathiam THIAM, Formateur au Département d'Anglais de la FASTEF

autres chercheurs
département de Didactique de l'Anglais
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